Caring for houseplants requires adjusting routines to match the changing seasons. Different seasons bring varying light, temperature, and humidity levels, all of which affect houseplants. Here’s how to adapt your plant care throughout the year to keep your houseplants healthy and thriving.

Spring: Awakening and Growth

Spring is a time of renewal and growth for houseplants.

  1. Increase Watering: As plants begin to grow, they require more water. Gradually increase your watering frequency.
  2. Fertilize: Start a regular fertilizing schedule to support new growth. Use a balanced, all-purpose fertilizer every 2-4 weeks.
  3. Repotting: Spring is the best time to repot any plants that have outgrown their containers. Choose pots that are 1-2 inches larger in diameter.
  4. Pruning: Trim back any dead or leggy growth to encourage new, healthy growth.
  5. Light: Move plants closer to windows to maximize the increasing daylight. Clean windows to ensure they let in as much light as possible.

Summer: Peak Growing Season

Summer brings the most light and warmth, which can accelerate growth but also stress plants.

  1. Monitor Watering: The higher temperatures and increased light mean plants may need more frequent watering. Check soil moisture regularly.
  2. Humidity: Increase humidity by misting plants, using a humidifier, or placing plants on pebble trays filled with water.
  3. Shield from Intense Sun: Protect plants from harsh, direct sunlight by using sheer curtains or moving them away from windows during the hottest parts of the day.
  4. Pest Control: Warmth and humidity can attract pests. Inspect plants regularly for signs of insects and treat promptly if needed.

Fall: Transition to Dormancy